• Well i included color and size in the product dimension which worked fine until i discovered that we can have draft orders that have unsized product that we may want to report on. so as the size key are in the product dim and we dont have sizes for some i can only point my nomatch row at the -1 record in ProductDim"No Valid Product" to indicate an no matching product even tho its only the size missing.

    if i take the size out and make it its own dimension i can then match on product/color/type in the productDim and then do another lookup on the SizeDim so for the unsized i can set the nomatch row accordingly.

    this gives me more info for unsized orders so instead of just haveing a key in the fact table pointing to the nomatch row in the productdim - "No valid product" I will be able to match the product/color/type and then return the nomatch row in the sizedim for the unsized products. I think this is better?

    thoughts guys?