• mister.magoo (8/22/2016)

    when i need to compare two floats, I tend to use this syntax

    WHERE ABS(Float1 - Float2)<@Variance

    So, for comparing to 2 d.p. I set @Variance = 0.01

    to compare to 4 d.p. set @Variance = 0.0001


    The above is an excelent advise,

    mister magoo's solution works with a fixed scale.

    If the scale of the two floats is not known or can vary a lot, a 'relative' compare would be better. See the script below with some examples.

    declare @a float = 0.0000383733

    declare @b-2 float = 0.0000383743

    -- declare @a float = 3837330000 -- Example two (has the same relative difference)

    -- declare @b-2 float = 3837430000

    print 1.0+(@a-@b)/@b -- Visual fast representation to see the relative difference.

    IF ABS((@a-@b)/@b) < 0.001 PRINT 'Less' ELSE PRINT 'More'

    IF ABS((@a-@b)/@b) < 0.0001 PRINT 'Less' ELSE PRINT 'More'

    IF ABS((@a-@b)/@b) < 0.00001 PRINT 'Less' ELSE PRINT 'More'

    IF ABS((@a-@b)/@b) < 0.000001 PRINT 'Less' ELSE PRINT 'More'
