• Hi Rocky,

    You cannot use a Lookup as this is an exact match only and between is not permitted.

    There are a number of ways that you could do this

    1. Do the join in a T-SQL and not within a data flow i.e. load the data into a work table in the DB and then do the join using an Execute SQL task.

    2. User a Merge Join to join on Phone only and then use a Conditional Split to output rows only where the date is between the start and end dates

    3. Use could use a Script Component to retrieve the data and write some code to do the lookup using a between range for the dates. I've not done this myself but technically it is possible if your .Net skills are good enough

    4. If, and only if, the date in the FlatFileSource is a narrow range (e.g. one date only or a few days at most) you could bloat Table1 to give a row per date and then use this in a Lookup on an exact match. This does have an overhead if you lookup table is very big so not recommended.
