• Steve Jones - SSC Editor (7/25/2016)

    tabinsc (7/25/2016)

    Since most of my SQL coding is set-based (1 query operation per procedure), unit testing seems pointless since there is only one unit. I do use SQLTest for some things, such as data integrity and data comparisons, but most of my code can't be broken up into units.

    Parameters? Then you have edge cases. NULLs,0s/strange dates/etc. can occur in a single query, so having a few tests to ensure your code works well help when you might need to modify, or tune, the query.

    Also one case = one case that can go wrong.

    It is great that tabinsc has made the effort to avoid unnecessary complexity, however, if a stored procedure gets changed how will everyone know that it is still working as expected?


    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!