• GilaMonster (7/25/2016)

    Lynn Pettis (7/25/2016)

    GilaMonster (7/25/2016)

    fergfamster (7/25/2016)

    You dont think using the @@rowcount is useful? Better to just do both statements?

    No, because what if there's 6 rows that need inserting and 4 updating? To use rowcount, you have to loop over those 10 rows. With Lynn's way you just run both statements, the update affects the 4 existing rows and the insert affects the 6 rows that weren't in the table at the start.

    The exists needs lock hints though (as in my article), otherwise there's still a chance of duplicates if there are multiple sessions running this concurrently.

    Even with this? Just want to be sure.


    Sorry, not duplicates. Deadlocks.

    Multiple sessions take a shared range lock, multiple sessions go to convert the lock to X for the insert, can't be converted due to the shared range locks, instant deadlock.

    I'd recommend use the locking hints and not the elevated isolation level, and it only needs the transaction if it's there for rollbacks on errors (and then with a try catch block).

    I have started code for deadlocks in some of the code I have written lately. Unfortunately, when it comes to some of the developers code that is embedded in the code, not much luck as I don't get to see it before it goes to production. If there are problems in production I usually can't see it there either as the production software runs on secured networks.