• What you're looking for is a Merge, for the insert/update. Here is an example that should help you:

    Create table #Test (CustomerID int,

    Name varchar(20),

    City varchar(20));

    Insert into #Test

    Values (1, 'Steve','London');

    Select *

    from #Test;

    MERGE #Test as Target

    Using (Select 1, 'Steve', 'Colchester') as source (CustomerID, Name, City)

    On (Target.CustomerID = source.CustomerID)

    when matched then

    update SET Name = source.name,

    city = source.city

    when not matched then

    Insert ( CustomerID, Name, City)

    Values (source.CustomerID, source.Name, Source.City);

    Select *

    from #test;

    MERGE #Test as target

    Using (Select 2, 'Donna', 'Leeds') as source (CustomerID, Name, City)

    On (Target.CustomerID = source.CustomerID)

    when matched then

    update SET Name = source.name,

    city = source.city

    when not matched then

    Insert ( CustomerID, Name, City)

    Values (source.CustomerID, source.Name, Source.City);

    Select *

    from #Test;

    Drop table #Test;


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.