• After going through the query, if found i have missed a case and i have fixed it.

    Following is the issue:

    fixed issue: If 1st DemandQty is greater then the available quantity the Transferred column was showing DemandQty not the AvailableQty.

    Here is the latest code, i have also added the CASE 3.

    declare @Transaction table


    ID int

    , Store char(3)

    , SKU int

    , AvailableQty int

    , ReceivingStore char(3)

    , QtyDemand int


    insert into @Transaction

    --- Original Case

    select 1, 'ST1', 100, 20, 'ST2', 14union all

    select 2, 'ST1', 100, 20, 'ST3', 25union all

    select 3, 'ST1', 100, 20, 'ST4', 25


    --- Sample Case 1

    insert into @Transaction

    select 4, 'ST1', 101, 20, 'ST2', 2union all

    select 5, 'ST1', 101, 20, 'ST3', 5union all

    select 6, 'ST1', 101, 20, 'ST4', 25


    --- Sample Case 2

    insert into @Transaction

    select 4, 'ST1', 102, 20, 'ST2', 20union all

    select 5, 'ST1', 102, 20, 'ST3', 5union all

    select 6, 'ST1', 102, 20, 'ST4', 25


    --- Sample Case 3----- Added the case if 1st value is greater then the available quantity.

    insert into @Transaction

    select 4, 'ST1', 103, 20, 'ST2', 25union all

    select 5, 'ST1', 103, 20, 'ST3', 5union all

    select 6, 'ST1', 103, 20, 'ST4', 5





    select a.*, case when a.rn = 1 then AvailableQty - QtyDemand else null end as OpenBal



    select *

    , ROW_NUMBER() OVER (Partition by SKU ORDER BY ID) as rn

    from @Transaction

    ) A


    Select ID,Store, Sku, AvailableQty, ReceivingStore, QtyDemand, case when transfered = 0 then PrevBalc else transfered end as transfered



    select *

    ---- Updated fixed issue: 1st DemandQty is greater then the available quantity.

    ---, case when rn = 1 then QtyDemand else case when closeing < 0 then 0 else QtyDemand end end as transfered

    , case

    when rn = 1 then


    when QtyDemand > AvailableQty then AvailableQty

    ELSE QtyDemand




    when closeing < 0 then 0




    end as transfered

    ---- Ends here

    , case when LAG(closeing) OVER (Partition by sku ORDER BY ID) > 0 THEN LAG(closeing) OVER (Partition by sku ORDER BY ID) else 0 end AS PrevBalc



    select * , SUM(coalesce(OpenBal, -1 * QtyDemand)) OVER (Partition by sku ORDER BY ID ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING) as closeing

    from cte c

    ) A

    ) A