Home Forums Data Warehousing Analysis Services How to propagate relationships for calculated members in SSAS? RE: How to propagate relationships for calculated members in SSAS?

  • Sorry for arriving late. I actually got around the problem using resources shared by you. Chris Webb's blog helped. I had to play around with the scope definition and get it right. Thanks!

    I am now faced with another problem. In my scoped assignment I have 3 dimensions. One of the dimensions is pretty huge and has many members so it takes a while to load when dropped in excel while browsing. For the grand total behavior to work correctly, I need to define the scope as - [Outlet].[Customer].[Customer].MEMBERS

    But this impacts the performance and is almost unusable. When I scope as - [Outlet].[Customer].AllMembers I get usable performance. But this way my grand total gives incorrect result because this has [All] member included in it.

    Anyone knows how I can get around this. Why does [Outlet].[Customer].[Customer].MEMBERS behave so badly? Anyone can suggest a better MDX?