The subscriber does not return the data

  • Hello !

    I am implemented a publication with updated subscriber. But I constate that the data producted by a subscriber does not return to Publisher and the data producted by other subscribers return. I look queue reader agent show the follow ERROR


    Impossible de lire les données de file d''attente de l''abonnement (Publisher=WIN-3O5B41J7JNP, PublisherDb=matriixisysets, Publication=PUBLICATION, Subscriber=WIN-WFAEGOBQTNS, SubscriberDb=MATRIIX_ISYSETS) (Source : MSSQL_REPL, Numéro d'erreur : MSSQL_REPL36042)

    Obtenir de l'aide : http://help/MSSQL_REPL36042 >>

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