• Jeff Moden (5/30/2016)

    It's stupid. Even NOTEPAD supports UTF-8 but SQL Server does not until 2016.


    You can, however, pre-convert the file to UTF-16 to import. Supposedly, the code at http://www.gnu.org/software/libiconv/#downloading works. I've not tried it though. Normally when I get something in UTF-8, I send it back to them in Pig Latin. 😉

    Careful here.

    The meaning of "UTF-16" nowadays is not that fixed length unicode encoding as it was some time ago.

    The file converter might be creating a file in that "new" UTF-16, not the one SQL Server can understand.

    Therefore I used the name "UCS-2" - that would be certainly interpreted by SQL Server correctly.

    Code for TallyGenerator