• squvi.87 (5/9/2016)

    Hi There,

    I require to convert single xml into multiple rows, as explained below

    Thanks in advance

    In the future try to include the actual XML (or table data) instead of a screenshot as it's easier for us to provide a good answer. Also, try to explain where the XML (or data) is coming from; this information is also helpful for providing a better answer. That said, here's how you would do this against a table or a variable. Note my comments:


    -- if the xml is coming in as a variable or parameter


    -- sample XML

    DECLARE @xml XML =





    <moreStuff>blah blah blah</moreStuff>






    <moreStuff>blah blah blah</moreStuff>




    -- solution




    CAST(nd.r.query('.') AS varchar(8000))+


    AS XML)

    FROM (VALUES (@xml)) doc(r)

    CROSS APPLY r.nodes('/consumerTransactionList/consumerTransaction') nd(r);


    -- if the xml is coming from a table


    -- create and populate the sample table

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#sometable') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #sometable;

    SELECT *

    INTO #SomeTable



    SELECT id = 100, SomeXML = CAST





    <moreStuff>blah blah blah</moreStuff>






    <moreStuff>blah blah blah</moreStuff>



    </consumerTransactionList>' AS xml)


    SELECT id = 101, CAST





    <moreStuff>blah blah blah</moreStuff>






    <moreStuff>blah blah blah</moreStuff>



    </consumerTransactionList>' AS xml)

    ) x






    CAST(nd.r.query('.') AS varchar(8000))+


    AS XML)

    FROM #SomeTable st

    CROSS APPLY st.SomeXML.nodes('/consumerTransactionList/consumerTransaction') nd(r);

    DROP TABLE #SomeTable;

    A good links for learning XML: http://www.w3schools.com/xml/[/url]

    An important understanding how my solution works:


    A good SQL XML link: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms187339.aspx

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001