• I use a split udf to do this. When you use SSRS to pass a multivalue parameter, it'll pass them all in a comma delimited string.

    I do the split with the following (which I butchered from somwhere ages ago, apologies, but I haven't got an annotation):

    Create FUNCTION [dbo].[Split_udf](@String nvarchar(MAX), @Delimiter char(1))

    RETURNS @Results TABLE (Items nvarchar(MAX))



    DECLARE @index INT

    DECLARE @slice nvarchar(MAX)

    --Have to set to 1 to start with

    SELECT @index = 1

    WHILE @index !=0


    --get the index of the first instance of the delimiter

    SELECT @index = CHARINDEX(@Delimiter,@String)

    --put everything to the left of the delimiter into the slice variable

    IF @index !=0

    SELECT @slice = LEFT(@String,@INDEX - 1)


    SELECT @slice = @String

    --Put it into the result sel

    INSERT INTO @Results(Items) VALUES(@SLICE)

    --Cut the string now and put the rest back in

    SELECT @String = RIGHT(@String,LEN(@String) - @index)

    --If we've run out of characters, we're done!

    IF LEN(@String) = 0 BREAK




    In your main query you would then need to put the following in the where cause:

    fundid in (Select Items from dbo.Split_udf(@fundidlist, ','))

    I wouldn't suggest using an "all" option, as SSRS will do this for you.

    Hope that helps.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.