• cmick 77911 (4/29/2016)

    I would turn it into a column and order by it. Cleaner this way.


    (CASE WHEN AddDt > UpdateDt

    THEN AddDt

    ELSE ISNULL(UpdateDt, AddDt)

    END) AS MaxDt,

    Id, Name, OnHand, AddDt, UpdateDt

    FROM @widgits

    ORDER BY 1

    Using ordinal position is a bad practice. Anytime, anyone can change the column order and the results would change without notification. To prevent this, use column alias.


    (CASE WHEN AddDt > UpdateDt

    THEN AddDt

    ELSE ISNULL(UpdateDt, AddDt)

    END) AS MaxDt,

    Id, Name, OnHand, AddDt, UpdateDt

    FROM @widgits

    ORDER BY MaxDt

    Luis C.
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