• mike.dinnis (4/25/2016)

    Jacob Wilkins (4/25/2016)

    You'll either need to look at simplifying the query (maybe explicitly querying the underlying tables from the view that you need instead of forcing the optimizer to figure it out), simplifying/tuning the code underlying the view, or just accepting that if that query's plan needs to be recompiled, the first run will take about 5 extra seconds due to compile time.


    Thanks for the tips.

    Unfortunately for me, each time I call the query from my app it's with a different WHERE clause value and so recompiles every time.

    I think I need to follow the route of simplification if at all possible.

    Then do this so that new values will be able to reuse the previously compiled plan.

    declare @var varchar(20) = '1604-660'

    SELECT cc.fchrCartonRef AS 'carton_ref'

    FROM dbo.tblCartonContents AS cc WITH (NOLOCK)

    JOIN cs3plc.scheme.rvShipOrderDetail AS sod

    ON cc.fchrOrderNo = sod.order_no

    --AND RIGHT(' ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, cc.fnOrderLine), 4) = sod.order_line_no

    WHERE cc.fchrCartonRef = @var

    Catch-all queries done right [/url]
    Gail Shaw's Performance Blog[/url]