• Hello Everybody,

    First a big thank you for the very nice scripts Lowell !

    My 2 cents:

    About GetActiveDirectoryGroups details script:

    I found that Get-ad *.* querying resulted in the size limit request error

    => the AD webservice unable to handle more than 500 pages; I adapted the AD webservice on on of our dc's only to find another error.

    Also; There is a HARD 5 minute timeout you can not change on the ad webservice...

    Moving to the Quest commandlets.

    =>the quest cmdlets return a systemobject for the objectclass rather than the class itself (Group, User, Computer) so in the script, Objectclass needed to changed to Type.

    => The data length for the canonical names was also to short. I extended it. Some people tend to write entire novels in ad using OU's and way too deep paths and way to long groupnames... Anyway.

    The script runs for about 6-7 hours on my 12 GB surface pro 3 i7 to fail spawning a executeNonquery error 0 arguments.

    Printing the $sq var to screen shows a + 3Kwords sql query ... Maybe its too long ?

    I moved away from the bulk principle and divided the get-Qadgroup (and Qresult into smaller bits using the where-object filter. This worked !

    So now i have nice tables having a lot of info on our users but more important, for me at least, our groups.

    Is there anyone who's made some ssrs or some queries yet on these tables ?

    Nesting and looped nesting / heat map etc ...

    I'm planning to pull the data in PowerBi too

    Best Regards !
