• David,

    you could modify your stored procedure so that you can pass in a date and use something like this in your filter

    If you could use DATEFROMPARTS, you'd be in the clear. But since you're using 2008, it's not available. Here's a link to someone who did this... Steve Stedman's DateFromParts function[/url].

    (from Lynn Pettis' blog here[/url])

    DECLARE @BeginningOfThisYear DATE,

    @BeginningOfNextYear DATE

    select @BeginningOfThisYear = dateadd(yy, datediff(yy, 0, @ThisDate), 0) -- Beginning of this year

    select @BeginningOfNextYear = dateadd(yy, datediff(yy, 0, @ThisDate) + 1, 0) -- Beginning of next year

    Then you could just do


    FROM ...


    SomeDate >= @BeginningOfThisYear

    AND SomeDate<@BeginningOfNextYear

    You would just calculate the two dates (@BeginningOfThisYear and @BeginningOfNextYear) at the top of your stored procedure and then use the two dates in your WHERE clause.