• Lynn Pettis (2/9/2016)

    Ed Wagner (2/9/2016)

    Lynn Pettis (2/9/2016)

    Phil Parkin (2/9/2016)

    Lynn Pettis (2/9/2016)

    Who has the Crystal Ball??

    Silver Spoon(2/9/2016)

    I Get the following error when attempting to Configure Distribution on a SQL Server 2014 Machine

    ServerName\Instance Cannot be configured for publishing and distribution. Publishing and distribution are supported in SQL Server version 7.0 or later.

    I looking for a work around.

    Not sure why I'm getting this error?

    I had a brief look at this one. A rather unsavoury 'workaround' did come to mind, so I quickly moved along.

    Looks like it turned out to be SSMS incompatibility. Was using SSMS 2012 instead of SSMS 2014.

    Heh - Only you would have come up with that one from the error. I don't know how and, quite honestly, I don't want to know. 😉

    I didn't, Jacob Wilkins is the one who suggested it.

    Wow, does that mean you have competition for the crystal ball? You've hit a shot in the dark so many times with SS that I've lost count.