I need help with a scalar function.

  • When I try to create/alter this function, I get the following error. I included my code for the function and some test data.

    Any thoughts on the function?

    Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure fnPressGaneyDownload, Line 23

    Incorrect syntax near 'RETURNS'.

    Msg 178, Level 15, State 1, Procedure fnPressGaneyDownload, Line 49

    A RETURN statement with a return value cannot be used in this context.

    alter FUNCTION [dbo].[fnPressGaneyDownload]

    RETURNS VarChar(100) as


    DECLARE @Return VarChar(100)

    select @Return=case when RA_M.RegistrationType_MisRegTypeID='ER' then 'ER0101'

    when RA_M.RegistrationType_MisRegTypeID='SDC' then 'AS0101'

    when RA_M.Location_MisLocID in('ENDO','CCATH') then 'AS0101'

    when RA_M.Location_MisLocID='B4' then 'IN0102'

    when RA_M.Location_MisLocID='N L2' then 'IN0104'

    when RA_M.RegistrationType_MisRegTypeID='IN' and MP_PP.ProviderPractice_MisProvGrpID='BHHLIST' then 'IN0101'

    when RA_M.RegistrationType_MisRegTypeID='IN' and MP_PP.ProviderPractice_MisProvGrpID<>'BHHLIST' then 'IN0103'

    when RA_M.RegistrationType_MisRegTypeID='INO' and MP_PP.ProviderPractice_MisProvGrpID='BHHLIST' then 'IN0101'

    when RA_M.RegistrationType_MisRegTypeID='INO' and MP_PP.ProviderPractice_MisProvGrpID<>'BHHLIST' then 'IN0103'

    else 'IN0101'


    from testfdb.dbo.RegAcct_Main RA_M

    inner join testfdb.dbo.RegAcct_Providers RA_P

    on RA_M.SourceID=RA_P.SourceID

    and RA_M.VisitID=RA_P.VisitID

    and RA_P.IsAttendingProvider = 'Y'

    inner join testfdb.dbo.MisPerson_ProviderPractices MP_PP

    on RA_P.SourceID=MP_PP.SourceID

    and RA_P.Provider_UnvUserID=MP_PP.UnvUserID

    RETURN Coalesce(@Return,'');


    create table #Test


    VisitID varchar(50),

    RegType varchar(10),

    Location varchar(10),

    MDGroup varchar(25)


    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('CS0-B20151214085226492','REF','CAP','VRAD')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150407092249996','CLI','PRIM3','BHER')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150407092249996','CLI','PRIM3','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150407092252354','CLI','BHASTH','BCARDIOLOG')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150407092303533','CLI','BHMRI','BHER')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150407092303533','CLI','BHMRI','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150407095857886','REF','ABLAB','BHER')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150407095857886','REF','ABLAB','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150408091254019','REF','BHLAB','BHER')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150408091254019','REF','BHLAB','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150408130415007','REF','BHLABSPECPU','BHER')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150408130415007','REF','BHLABSPECPU','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150408131733460','REF','BHLAB','BHER')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150408131733460','REF','BHLAB','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150408131800901','REF','BHLAB','BHER')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150408131800901','REF','BHLAB','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150408133008595','IN','EDOBV','BHER')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150408133008595','IN','EDOBV','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150409082051657','REF','BHLAB','BHER')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150409082051657','REF','BHLAB','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150424131620525','IN','A3TCU','BHER')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150424131620525','IN','A3TCU','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150513091223474','REF','BHRAD','BCARDIOLOG')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150513102105808','REF','BHLABRAD','BHER')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150513102105808','REF','BHLABRAD','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150526120049691','INO','P2','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150603120041630','RCR','BHREHAB','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150610120234389','INO','A2','BIDMCGYN')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150616191720377','REF','BH3SUT','BIDMCGYN')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150619060758823','CLI','BHLABRAD','BIDMCGYN')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150623110929464','RCR','BHST','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150624114948828','REF','BHLABRAD','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150625112115205','RCR','BHREHAB','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150625160107628','REF','BHPAIN','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150626143025832','IN','B2','BHER')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150626143025832','IN','B2','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150629073624562','IN','N1','BIDMCGYN')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150629102536706','REF','PAIN','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150630140607284','IN','C3','BIDMCGYN')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150730091103440','IN','A2','BHER')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150730091103440','IN','A2','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150730092128798','IN','A2','BHER')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150730092128798','IN','A2','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150730100812221','REF','BHCT','BHER')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150730100812221','REF','BHCT','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150730103530054','SDC','ENDOSDC','BHER')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150730103530054','SDC','ENDOSDC','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150803131914697','IN','A2','EYE')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150812084915546','IN','CPOU','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150812102340950','INO','A5','SMG')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150817080538137','IN','A2','NEMC')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150825143117571','RCR','BHREHAB','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150825161912682','REF','ABLAB','CM')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150826083115755','IN','A2','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150827105455121','IN','A2','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150827110515876','IN','A2','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150827114241512','IN','A4MEDSUR','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150827115340402','IN','B2','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150827141049571','CLI','ENDOSDC','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150827141752469','CLI','SDC','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150827142643718','REF','SDC','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150827143305166','REF','BHLABRAD','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150827143752922','IN','A4','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150827144449985','IN','C3','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150827145255635','SDC','SDC','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150827145859596','SDC','SDC','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150827150412405','IN','A2','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150827150944590','IN','A5','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150827152800082','REF','BHLABRAD','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150827153300052','REF','BHLABRAD','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150827154757811','IN','A5','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150827155419431','IN','A5','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150827160130940','CLI','BHCCATH','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150827160611364','CLI','SDC','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150828124653586','IN','B2','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150828125601611','IN','CCU','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150828130608177','IN','B4','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150828131218063','IN','CCU','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150828131844426','IN','A2','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150828132514049','IN','A2','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150828133045875','IN','B2','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150828133707382','IN','B3','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150828134324463','IN','A2','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150828141051425','IN','A5','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150828141608553','IN','B2','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150828142013891','IN','A2','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150828142352321','IN','B2','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150828142702734','IN','B4','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150828143246041','IN','B3','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150828143711691','IN','A5','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150828144204751','IN','B3','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150831154928581','CLI','BHCT','VRAD')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150831160634727','CLI','BHMRI','BOSMEDCTR')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150901104931081','IN','B2','BOSMEDCTR')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150901153323822','IN','EDOBV','MATRIX')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150901154436177','SDC','SDC','MATRIX')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150901155940467','SDC','SDC','MATRIX')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150901163022421','IN','B3','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150901163316750','IN','A3TCU','BHHLIST')

    insert into #Test(VisitID, RegType, Location,MDGroup) values('F0-B20150901191741318','IN','A5','SMG')

  • easy fix.

    if the function has no parameters, you still need the parenthesis for the parameter list.

    alter FUNCTION [dbo].[fnPressGaneyDownload] ()

    your function could easily be converted to an inline table value function, that would be multiple orders of magnitude faster; you would have to refactor some of your code to use cross apply instead of an inline scalar.


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Thanx. I'm new at functions.

  • Be careful. Data-accessing scalar functions can be horrifically slow. Avoid using it in a select/insert/update/delete and it should be OK.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • k

  • GilaMonster (2/9/2016)

    Be careful. Data-accessing scalar functions can be horrifically slow. Avoid using it in a select/insert/update/delete and it should be OK.

    LOL that is awesome Gail!!! 😀


    Need help? Help us help you.

    Read the article at http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Best+Practices/61537/ for best practices on asking questions.

    Need to split a string? Try Jeff Modens splitter http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Tally+Table/72993/.

    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 1 – Converting Rows to Columns - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/T-SQL/63681/
    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 2 - Dynamic Cross Tabs - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Crosstab/65048/
    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 1) - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/APPLY/69953/
    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 2) - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/APPLY/69954/

  • NineIron (2/9/2016)


    Like this:

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnPressGaneyDownload()


    RETURN (


    COALESCE( CASE WHEN RA_M.RegistrationType_MisRegTypeID='ER' then 'ER0101'

    WHEN RA_M.RegistrationType_MisRegTypeID='SDC' then 'AS0101'

    WHEN RA_M.Location_MisLocID in('ENDO','CCATH') then 'AS0101'

    WHEN RA_M.Location_MisLocID='B4' then 'IN0102'

    WHEN RA_M.Location_MisLocID='N L2' then 'IN0104'

    WHEN RA_M.RegistrationType_MisRegTypeID='IN' and MP_PP.ProviderPractice_MisProvGrpID='BHHLIST' then 'IN0101'

    WHEN RA_M.RegistrationType_MisRegTypeID='IN' and MP_PP.ProviderPractice_MisProvGrpID<>'BHHLIST' then 'IN0103'

    WHEN RA_M.RegistrationType_MisRegTypeID='INO' and MP_PP.ProviderPractice_MisProvGrpID='BHHLIST' then 'IN0101'

    WHEN RA_M.RegistrationType_MisRegTypeID='INO' and MP_PP.ProviderPractice_MisProvGrpID<>'BHHLIST' then 'IN0103'

    ELSE 'IN0101'


    AS VARCHAR(100)) AS Result

    from testfdb.dbo.RegAcct_Main RA_M

    inner join testfdb.dbo.RegAcct_Providers RA_P on RA_M.SourceID=RA_P.SourceID

    and RA_M.VisitID=RA_P.VisitID

    and RA_P.IsAttendingProvider = 'Y'

    inner join testfdb.dbo.MisPerson_ProviderPractices MP_PP on RA_P.SourceID=MP_PP.SourceID

    and RA_P.Provider_UnvUserID=MP_PP.UnvUserID);


    Then you can use it like this:

    SELECT Result FROM dbo.fnPressGaneyDownload()

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • Orlando Colamatteo (2/9/2016)

    NineIron (2/9/2016)


    Like this:

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnPressGaneyDownload()


    RETURN (


    COALESCE( CASE WHEN RA_M.RegistrationType_MisRegTypeID='ER' then 'ER0101'

    WHEN RA_M.RegistrationType_MisRegTypeID='SDC' then 'AS0101'

    WHEN RA_M.Location_MisLocID in('ENDO','CCATH') then 'AS0101'

    WHEN RA_M.Location_MisLocID='B4' then 'IN0102'

    WHEN RA_M.Location_MisLocID='N L2' then 'IN0104'

    WHEN RA_M.RegistrationType_MisRegTypeID='IN' and MP_PP.ProviderPractice_MisProvGrpID='BHHLIST' then 'IN0101'

    WHEN RA_M.RegistrationType_MisRegTypeID='IN' and MP_PP.ProviderPractice_MisProvGrpID<>'BHHLIST' then 'IN0103'

    WHEN RA_M.RegistrationType_MisRegTypeID='INO' and MP_PP.ProviderPractice_MisProvGrpID='BHHLIST' then 'IN0101'

    WHEN RA_M.RegistrationType_MisRegTypeID='INO' and MP_PP.ProviderPractice_MisProvGrpID<>'BHHLIST' then 'IN0103'

    ELSE 'IN0101'


    AS VARCHAR(100)) AS Result

    from testfdb.dbo.RegAcct_Main RA_M

    inner join testfdb.dbo.RegAcct_Providers RA_P on RA_M.SourceID=RA_P.SourceID

    and RA_M.VisitID=RA_P.VisitID

    and RA_P.IsAttendingProvider = 'Y'

    inner join testfdb.dbo.MisPerson_ProviderPractices MP_PP on RA_P.SourceID=MP_PP.SourceID

    and RA_P.Provider_UnvUserID=MP_PP.UnvUserID);


    Then you can use it like this:

    SELECT Result FROM dbo.fnPressGaneyDownload()

    I wonder how many rows this returns? If it's only one, then the original scalar function returning the result to a variable would have been just fine - and it would have met Gail's precautionary restrictions too. If it returns more than one row then a parameter or two might be in order.

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • ChrisM@Work (2/10/2016)

    and it would have met Gail's precautionary restrictions too.

    My comments had nothing to do with what the function returns, rather where to use it (not in a DML statement affecting more than a couple of rows)

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • GilaMonster (2/10/2016)

    ChrisM@Work (2/10/2016)

    and it would have met Gail's precautionary restrictions too.

    My comments had nothing to do with what the function returns, rather where to use it (not in a DML statement affecting more than a couple of rows)

    My comment was also where to use it: "returning the result to a variable".

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • ChrisM@Work (2/10/2016)

    GilaMonster (2/10/2016)

    ChrisM@Work (2/10/2016)

    and it would have met Gail's precautionary restrictions too.

    My comments had nothing to do with what the function returns, rather where to use it (not in a DML statement affecting more than a couple of rows)

    My comment was also where to use it: "returning the result to a variable".

    Insufficient coffee error. 🙁

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • GilaMonster (2/10/2016)

    ChrisM@Work (2/10/2016)

    GilaMonster (2/10/2016)

    ChrisM@Work (2/10/2016)

    and it would have met Gail's precautionary restrictions too.

    My comments had nothing to do with what the function returns, rather where to use it (not in a DML statement affecting more than a couple of rows)

    My comment was also where to use it: "returning the result to a variable".

    Insufficient coffee error. 🙁

    Gail - I'm far more familiar with this error than you are!

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • You guys are the best.

  • ChrisM@Work (2/10/2016)

    If it's only one, then the original scalar function returning the result to a variable would have been just fine - and it would have met Gail's precautionary restrictions too. If it returns more than one row then a parameter or two might be in order.

    Gail's advice is good, as usual. I wasn't disputing anything that was said.

    Like a lot of folks, I suggest choosing inline tvf by default. Unless you're up against one of the technical limitations in SQL Server or have an awkward data-requirement forcing the use of a scalar valued function or multi-statement tvf then I opt not to bring scalar functions into this world.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • Orlando Colamatteo (2/10/2016)

    ChrisM@Work (2/10/2016)

    If it's only one, then the original scalar function returning the result to a variable would have been just fine - and it would have met Gail's precautionary restrictions too. If it returns more than one row then a parameter or two might be in order.

    Gail's advice is good, as usual. I wasn't disputing anything that was said.

    Like a lot of folks, I suggest choosing inline tvf by default. Unless you're up against one of the technical limitations in SQL Server or have an awkward data-requirement forcing the use of a scalar valued function or multi-statement tvf then I opt not to bring scalar functions into this world.

    That's a lot of ifs and buts. Jeff is fond of pointing out that programmers are idle and tend to copy stuff - even when it's not necessarily good stuff. There's another but. This might be a really odd case where querying a bunch of tables without any parameters always returns a scalar value. If - and it's a big if - there's an existing scalar function which does the job and is called in exactly the way I suggested, then (at least here) I'd face resistance arguing for change.

    How would I write it from scratch? As an iTVF of course.

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

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