• OK, attached is an SSIS Package that uses only native SSIS Tasks and Components and T-SQL, i.e. no C# Script is utilized in the SSIS. Files included in the attached zip file:

    1. ActiveDirectoryLog.txt - sample input file (from OP)

    2. ActiveDirectoryLog2_TABLE.sql - DDL to create destination table in tempdb

    3. ImportActiveDirectoryLog2.dtsx - SSIS Package that loads the sample file into the table in tempdb

    4. ActiveDirectoryLog2_SELECT.sql - query to deliver results in required shape

    This turned out to be remarkably simple once I realized the row-delimiter I should have been using all along was \r\n\r\n, not \r\n 😎

    This is the table definition the file is loaded into (also in the attached zip):

    CREATE TABLE dbo.active_directory_profile(

    profile_id int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    profile varchar(8000) NULL


    And this is the query that brings back the desired output (also in the attached zip):

    WITH cte AS (SELECT adp.profile_id,

    LEFT(x.item,CHARINDEX(': ',x.item)-1) AS [name],

    -- requires dbo.GROUP_CONCAT from http://groupconcat.codeplex.com

    dba.dbo.GROUP_CONCAT(SUBSTRING(x.item,CHARINDEX(': ',x.item)+2,8000)) AS [value]

    FROM dbo.active_directory_profile adp

    -- requires dbo.StringSplit_Multi from http://sqlblog.com/blogs/adam_machanic/archive/2009/04/28/sqlclr-string-splitting-part-2-even-faster-even-more-scalable.aspx

    CROSS APPLY dba.dbo.SplitString_Multi(adp.[profile], CHAR(13)+CHAR(10)) x

    GROUP BY adp.profile_id,

    LEFT(x.item,CHARINDEX(': ',x.item)-1))

    SELECT profile_id,

    MAX(CASE WHEN name = 'dn' THEN [value] END) AS dn,

    MAX(CASE WHEN name = 'objectClass' THEN [value] END) AS objectClass,

    MAX(CASE WHEN name = 'userid' THEN [value] END) AS userid,

    MAX(CASE WHEN name = 'companyVal' THEN [value] END) AS companyVal,

    MAX(CASE WHEN name = 'company' THEN [value] END) AS company,

    MAX(CASE WHEN name = 'job-title' THEN [value] END) AS [job-title],

    MAX(CASE WHEN name = 'mail' THEN [value] END) AS mail,

    MAX(CASE WHEN name = 'createdby' THEN [value] END) AS createdby,

    MAX(CASE WHEN name = 'modifiedby' THEN [value] END) AS modifiedby,

    MAX(CASE WHEN name = 'createdTime' THEN [value] END) AS createdTime,

    MAX(CASE WHEN name = 'modifiedTime' THEN [value] END) AS modifiedTime

    FROM cte

    GROUP BY profile_id;


    Note that there are two functions you will need to install for my query above to work, a grouped-string-concatenation-function and a string-splitter-function. One is implemented as a SQLCLR Aggregate and the other as a SQLCLR Table-Valued function. The comments show where you can get them. If SQLCLR makes you twist in your seat you can replace the grouped-string-concatenation-function with the technique that leverages FOR XML and the string-splitter with Mr. Moden's T-SQL splitter.

    Edit: fix tabs in code

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