First result repeats through multiple groups

  • I have a weird issue. I am creating a Ageing report for my accounting dept. I have the vendors grouped by vendor names then the invoices grouped into 4 different groups. 0-30, 31-60, 61-90 and over 90 days date ranges. This is my code for grouping the 0-30 group. the others are the same except for the amount of days.

    =iif(DateDiff("d",Fields!T_DATE.Value, Parameters!dtEnd.Value)>=0 and DateDiff("d",Fields!T_DATE.Value,Parameters!dtEnd.Value)<=30,Fields!T_DATE.Value,nothing)

    The issue is I get the first result showing in every date range group. However it doesnt add itself to the sum total's of that group.

    Here is an example of the data I am getting back I have blocked out the vendors name and left the last 2 digits of the invoice number for privacy reasons but you can see what I am talking about

    As you can see this vendor only has one invoice but it shows in all 4 groups.

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