Home Forums SQL Server 2008 SQL Server Newbies How to dynamically create 12 rows per customer in a SQL Table RE: How to dynamically create 12 rows per customer in a SQL Table

  • this is the create statement for the source data (in 3 parts)

    PART 1 (union of 2 views, one with order history and the other with open orders)

    CREATE VIEW [dbo].[LCW2014Both_ONECOAST_SourceDataOpenHist_PC_NEW_2015] AS

    select [SOP Type],

    [SOP Number],

    [APS Number],

    [Order Date],

    [Ord Day],

    [Ord W],

    [Ord Month],

    [Ord Month Name],

    [Ord Year],

    [Ord Period],

    [Doc Date],

    [Doc Day],

    [Doc W],

    [Doc Month],

    [Doc Month Name],

    [Doc Year],

    [Doc Period],

    [Item Number],


    [Simple Style],

    [Style Name],

    [M v W],


    [Item Desciption],

    [Color Code],




    [Extended Price],

    [Unit Price],

    [Requested Ship Date],




    [RQM Name],


    [Cust #],

    [Customer Name],



    [Document ID],

    [Document Amount],

    [Document Status],

    [Customer class],

    [Class Name],











    from dbo.LCW2014_ONECOAST_SourceData_v3


    select [SOP Type],

    [SOP Number],

    [APS Number],

    [Order Date],

    [Ord Day],

    [Ord W],

    [Ord Month],

    [Ord Month Name],

    [Ord Year],

    [Ord Period],

    [Doc Date],

    [Doc Day],

    Doc W],

    [Doc Month],

    [Doc Month Name],

    [Doc Year],

    [Doc Period],

    [Item Number],


    [Simple Style],

    [Style Name],

    [M v W],


    [Item Desciption],

    [Color Code],




    [Extended Price],

    [Unit Price],

    [Requested Ship Date],




    [RQM Name],


    [Cust #],

    [Customer Name],



    [Document ID],

    [Document Amount],

    [Document Status],

    [Customer class],

    [Class Name],











    from dbo.LCWOpenOrderInstant_v3

    PART 2 (this is the view with order history)

    CREATE VIEW [dbo].[LCW2014_ONECOAST_SourceData_v3] AS


    [SOP Type]=


    when a.SOPTYPE=1 then 'Quote'

    when a.SOPTYPE=2 then 'Order'

    when a.SOPTYPE=3 then 'Invoice'

    when a.SOPTYPE=4 then 'Return'

    when a.SOPTYPE=5 then 'Back Order'

    else 'none'


    a.SOPNUMBE as [SOP Number],

    b.TAXEXMT2 as [APS Number],

    (convert(varchar(10),b.ORDRDATE,101)) as [Order Date],

    Day(b.ORDRDATE) as [Ord Day],

    ('W' + convert(varchar(10),datepart(week, b.ORDRDATE))) as [Ord W],

    Month(b.ORDRDATE) as [Ord Month],

    datename(Month,(b.ORDRDATE))as [Ord Month Name],

    Year(b.ORDRDATE) as [Ord Year],

    CONVERT(nvarchar(6), b.ORDRDATE, 112) as [Ord Period],

    (convert(varchar(10),b.docdate,101)) as [Doc Date],

    Day(b.docdate) as [Doc Day],

    ('W' + convert(varchar(10),datepart(week, b.docdate))) as [Doc W],

    Month(b.docdate) as [Doc Month],

    datename(Month,(b.docdate))as [Doc Month Name],

    Year(b.docdate) as [Doc Year],

    CONVERT(nvarchar(6), b.docdate, 112) as [Doc Period],

    a.ITEMNMBR as [Item Number],

    LEFT(a.ITEMNMBR,(case when charindex('-',a.ITEMNMBR) > 0 then (charindex('-',a.ITEMNMBR)-1) else 5 end))as [Simple Style],

    e.USCATVLS_4 as [SeasonCode],

    f.StyleName as [Style Name],

    f.MW as [M v W],


    a.ITEMDESC as [Item Desciption],


    case when charindex(')',a.ITEMDESC) > 0

    then (charindex(')',a.ITEMDESC))-(charindex('(',a.ITEMDESC)+1)

    else 0

    end)as [Color Code],



    when charindex(')',RTRIM(a.ITEMDESC))=0 then 0

    when (len(RTRIM(a.ITEMDESC))-(charindex(')',RTRIM(a.ITEMDESC))+1)) >= 0 then len(RTRIM(a.ITEMDESC))-(charindex(')',RTRIM(a.ITEMDESC))+1)

    else 0 end)) as [Size],

    a.QUANTITY as [Qty],

    a.OXTNDPRC as [Extended Price],

    a.UNITPRCE as [Unit Price],

    (convert(varchar(10),a.ReqShipDate,101)) as [Requested Ship Date],

    Day(a.ReqShipDate) as [RQD],

    ('RQW' + convert(varchar(10),datepart(week, a.ReqShipDate))) as [RQW],

    Month(a.ReqShipDate) as [RQM],

    datename(Month,(a.ReqShipDate))as [RQM Name],

    Year(a.ReqShipDate) as [RQY],

    b.custnmbr as [Cust #],

    b.custname as [Customer Name],d.SHRTNAME as 'ShortName',

    a.STATE as [State],

    b.DOCID as [Document ID],

    '$'+(convert(varchar,(convert(money, b.docamnt)),1)) as [Document Amount],

    'Posted' as [Document Status],

    d.CUSTCLAS as [Customer class],

    g.CLASDSCR as [Class Name],


    d.USERDEF2 as [LicensorID],


    c.USRDEF05 as [PRODUCT],

    a.SLPRSNID as [SalesPersonID],

    (rtrim(i.SLPRSNFN) +' '+ rtrim(i.SPRSNSLN)) as [RepName],

    i.COUNTRY as [RepGroup],




    from SOP30300 a inner join SOP30200 b on a.SOPTYPE = b.SOPTYPE and a.SOPNUMBE = b.SOPNUMBE

    left outer join SOP10106 c on a.SOPTYPE = c.SOPTYPE and a.SOPNUMBE = c.SOPNUMBE

    left outer join RM00101 d on b.custnmbr = d.custnmbr

    left outer join IV00101 e on a.ITEMNMBR = e.ITEMNMBR

    left outer join LeagueStyleNameXR f on LEFT(a.ITEMNMBR,(case when charindex('-',a.ITEMNMBR) > 0 then (charindex('-',a.ITEMNMBR)-1) else 5 end))=f.StyleNumber

    left outer join RM00201 g on d.CUSTCLAS = g.CLASSID

    left outer join LeagueColorNameXR h on substring(a.ITEMDESC,(charindex('(',a.ITEMDESC)+1), case when charindex(')',a.ITEMDESC) > 0 then (charindex(')',a.ITEMDESC))-(charindex('(',a.ITEMDESC)+1) else 0 end)=h.ColorNumber

    left outer join RM00301 i on a.SLPRSNID = i.SLPRSNID

    where b.custnmbr <> '' and a.SOPTYPE = 3 and b.DOCDATE > '2014-01-01'

    PART 3 (This is identical to the last view except it's pulling from the tables with open orders)

    CREATE VIEW [dbo].[LCWOpenOrderInstant_v3] AS


    [SOP Type]=


    when a.SOPTYPE=1 then 'Quote'

    when a.SOPTYPE=2 then 'Order'

    when a.SOPTYPE=3 then 'Invoice'

    when a.SOPTYPE=4 then 'Return'

    when a.SOPTYPE=5 then 'Back Order'

    else 'none'


    a.SOPNUMBE as [SOP Number],

    b.TAXEXMT2 as [APS Number],

    (convert(varchar(10),b.ORDRDATE,101)) as [Order Date],

    Day(b.ORDRDATE) as [Ord Day],

    ('W' + convert(varchar(10),datepart(week, b.ORDRDATE))) as [Ord W],

    Month(b.ORDRDATE) as [Ord Month],

    datename(Month,(b.ORDRDATE))as [Ord Month Name],

    Year(b.ORDRDATE) as [Ord Year],

    CONVERT(nvarchar(6), b.ORDRDATE, 112) as [Ord Period],

    (convert(varchar(10),b.docdate,101)) as [Doc Date],

    Day(b.docdate) as [Doc Day],

    ('W' + convert(varchar(10),datepart(week, b.docdate))) as [Doc W],

    Month(b.docdate) as [Doc Month],

    datename(Month,(b.docdate))as [Doc Month Name],

    Year(b.docdate) as [Doc Year],

    CONVERT(nvarchar(6), b.docdate, 112) as [Doc Period],

    a.ITEMNMBR as [Item Number],

    LEFT(a.ITEMNMBR,(case when charindex('-',a.ITEMNMBR) > 0 then (charindex('-',a.ITEMNMBR)-1) else 5 end))as [Simple Style],

    e.USCATVLS_4 as [SeasonCode],

    f.StyleName as [Style Name],

    f.MW as [M v W],


    a.ITEMDESC as [Item Desciption],


    case when charindex(')',a.ITEMDESC) > 0

    then (charindex(')',a.ITEMDESC))-(charindex('(',a.ITEMDESC)+1)

    else 0

    end)as [Color Code],



    when charindex(')',RTRIM(a.ITEMDESC))=0 then 0

    when (len(RTRIM(a.ITEMDESC))-(charindex(')',RTRIM(a.ITEMDESC))+1)) >= 0 then len(RTRIM(a.ITEMDESC))-(charindex(')',RTRIM(a.ITEMDESC))+1)

    else 0 end)) as [Size],

    a.QUANTITY as [Qty],

    a.EXTDCOST as [Extended Cost],

    a.OXTNDPRC as [Extended Price],

    a.UNITCOST as [Unit Cost],

    a.UNITPRCE as [Unit Price],

    (convert(varchar(10),a.ReqShipDate,101)) as [Requested Ship Date],

    Day(a.ReqShipDate) as [RQD],

    ('RQW' + convert(varchar(10),datepart(week, a.ReqShipDate))) as [RQW],

    Month(a.ReqShipDate) as [RQM],

    datename(Month,(a.ReqShipDate))as [RQM Name],

    Year(a.ReqShipDate) as [RQY],

    b.custnmbr as [Cust #],

    b.custname as [Customer Name],d.SHRTNAME as 'ShortName',

    a.STATE as [State],

    c.USERDEF2 as [Redshirt?],

    e.USCATVLS_3 as [Category Code],

    c.USRTAB03 as [Buyer/Rep App],

    c.USRDEF04 as [E or S],

    b.DOCID as [Document ID],

    '$'+(convert(varchar,(convert(money, b.docamnt)),1)) as [Document Amount],

    'Posted' as [Document Status],

    [Void Status]=


    when b.VOIDSTTS=0 then 'Normal'

    when b.VOIDSTTS=1 then 'Voided'

    else 'none'


    d.CUSTCLAS as [Customer class],

    g.CLASDSCR as [Class Name],


    d.USERDEF2 as [LicensorID],


    c.USRDEF03 as [PRINTER/Date],

    c.USRDEF05 as [PRODUCT],

    c.USERDEF1 as [STATUS/Date],

    d.CUSTPRIORITY as [Priority Code],

    a.SLPRSNID as [SalesPersonID],

    (rtrim(i.SLPRSNFN) +' '+ rtrim(i.SPRSNSLN)) as [RepName],

    i.COUNTRY as [RepGroup],




    from SOP10200 a inner join SOP10100 b on a.SOPTYPE = b.SOPTYPE and a.SOPNUMBE = b.SOPNUMBE

    left outer join SOP10106 c on a.SOPTYPE = c.SOPTYPE and a.SOPNUMBE = c.SOPNUMBE

    left outer join RM00101 d on b.custnmbr = d.custnmbr

    left outer join IV00101 e on a.ITEMNMBR = e.ITEMNMBR

    left outer join LeagueStyleNameXR f on LEFT(a.ITEMNMBR,(case when charindex('-',a.ITEMNMBR) > 0 then (charindex('-',a.ITEMNMBR)-1) else 5 end))=f.StyleNumber

    left outer join RM00201 g on d.CUSTCLAS = g.CLASSID

    left outer join LeagueColorNameXR h on substring(a.ITEMDESC,(charindex('(',a.ITEMDESC)+1), case when charindex(')',a.ITEMDESC) > 0 then (charindex(')',a.ITEMDESC))-(charindex('(',a.ITEMDESC)+1) else 0 end)=h.ColorNumber

    left outer join RM00301 i on a.SLPRSNID = i.SLPRSNID

    where b.custnmbr <> '' and a.SOPTYPE = 2

    I attached an excel form with the first 25 rows of data from that SQL view so you can see what it looks like. Let me know if you need more or if you need to see anything else.