• g.britton (11/3/2015)

    This might do it:


    , s.next_run_time

    FROM dbo.sysjobschedules s


    SELECT datepart(YEAR, getdate()) * 10000 + datepart(MONTH, getdate()) * 100 + datepart(DAY, getdate()) AS today

    , datepart(HOUR, getdate()) * 10000 + datepart(MINUTE, getdate()) * 100 + datepart(SECOND, getdate()) AS rightnow

    ) _

    INNER JOIN dbo.sysjobs j

    ON s.job_id = j.job_id

    WHERE next_run_date = today

    AND next_run_time BETWEEN rightnow

    AND rightnow + 5 * 10000

    just comment out the second part of the where for all jobs scheduled today

    Note: if you want to easily code around the problem caused by msdb storing job dates and times as integers in two separate columns, use this:

    dbo.agent_datetime(s.next_run_date, s.next_run_time) As NextRunDateTime

    which will return a DATETIME data type. If you have any schedules where next_run_date = 0, you'll get an error, so exclude them in the WHERE clause.
