Still struggling with a filter

  • I'm still struggling with a filter for one of my reports. These 4 accounts (170, 171, 200, 380) should only be displayed if the Cost Center is either A480 or A485. All other accounts should be displayed for all cost centers including A480 and A485.

    If one of the above accounts appears on any other cost center, then it should NOT be displayed in the report. The report should only display accounts 170 / 171 / 200 / 380 for Cost Centers A480 and A485.

    Sample Results:

    Cost Center A400: 123 / 125 / 130 / 140 / 145

    Cost Center A440: 123 / 125 / 130 / 140 / 145

    Cost Center A480: 123 / 125 / 130 / 140 / 145 / 170 / 171 / 200 / 380

    Cost Center A485: 123 / 125 / 130 / 140 / 145 / 170 / 171 / 200 / 380

    Cost Center A500: 123 / 125 / 130 / 140 / 145

    This report has a prompt for Cost Center. Some of the other Cost Centers will have results for accounts 170 / 171 / 200 / 380 but the user doesn't want to see these accounts in the any Cost Center other than A480 or A485.

    This is the latest iteration of my filter:

    Expression: ==IIF(Parameters!GP.Value = "A480" or Parameters!GP.Value = "A485", 1, IIF(Fields!FA_ACCT.Value = 170 or Fields!FA_ACCT.Value = 171 or Fields!FA_ACCT.Value = 200 or Fields!FA_ACCT.Value = 380, 0, 1))

    Operator: =

    Value: =cdec(1)

    This filter removes 170 / 171 / 200 / 380 from all cost centers including A480 and A485. How do I get the filter to remove those 4 accounts on A480 and A485 only.

    Thanks for your help..........

  • I would try this one:

    IIF((Parameters!GP.Value = "A480" or Parameters!GP.Value = "A485") and (Fields!FA_ACCT.Value = 170 or Fields!FA_ACCT.Value = 171 or Fields!FA_ACCT.Value = 200 or Fields!FA_ACCT.Value = 380), 1,

    IIF((Parameters!GP.Value <> "A480" or Parameters!GP.Value <> "A485") and(Fields!FA_ACCT.Value = 170 or Fields!FA_ACCT.Value = 171 or Fields!FA_ACCT.Value = 200 or Fields!FA_ACCT.Value = 380), 0, 1))

    ***This has to be tested. I have been programming in different languages and I don't remember if the SSRS syntax for not equals is <> or !=

  • Thank You for your help. I'll give that a try

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