• John Corkett (10/1/2015)


    Thinking time is essential. We need to take time to sit back and think about the way forward or the big picture.

    My thinking time is usually on my commute - either when I'm cycling to work at 5:30 on a morning when the roads are quiet or when I'm crawling along in traffic. These times would otherwise seem to be wasted but they are very productive for me. I find I could have been working on a problem all day and then illumination comes on the way home. In particular (may be due to the amount of blood pumping through my brain!), I find some of my best ideas have come when I'm cycling.

    +1 for ideas coming when cycling on the commute. Best time ever for thought, you are focused like 20% on the road and concentrating somewhat on that but always seem to have capacity to mull things through.