Home Forums SQL Server 2008 T-SQL (SS2K8) Convert Cursor to a Recursive CTE or a normal Query RE: Convert Cursor to a Recursive CTE or a normal Query

  • NOT EXISTS might also be an option here.

    I don't see anything in the original code that indicates that Blocked or Doc Type must match in the CR Log, but naturally adjust the code as needed to match your requirements.


    @CompanyName varchar(50),

    @tablename varchar(50),

    @print_sql bit = 0,

    @exec_sql bit = 1



    -- EXEC [USPT] 'xyz corp','Sales Header',1,0

    DECLARE @str1 varchar(MAX)

    SET @CompanyName = PARSENAME(@CompanyName, 1)

    SET @tablename = PARSENAME(@tablename, 1)

    --validate input param values

    IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM sys.objects WHERE name LIKE @CompanyName + '%' AND type IN ('IF', 'TF', 'U', 'V'))


    RAISERROR('Company name is not valid, invalid access attempt was logged!', 16, 1)

    --log access attempt

    RETURN -1

    END --IF

    IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM sys.objects WHERE name = @tablename AND type IN ('IF', 'TF', 'U', 'V'))


    RAISERROR('Table name is not valid, invalid access attempt was logged!', 16, 1)

    --log access attempt

    RETURN -2

    END --IF

    SET @str1 = '

    SELECT @CompanyName AS Company, COUNT(*) as SalesCount

    FROM ['+@CompanyName+'$'+@tablename+'] tbl


    tbl.[CR Blocked] = 1 AND

    tbl.[Document Type] IN (1,4,5) AND

    NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM ['+@CompanyName+'$CR Log] WHERE CRStatus = 2 AND No_ = tbl.No_)


    IF @print_sql = 1

    PRINT @str1

    IF @exec_sql = 1

    EXEC (@str1)

    GO --end of proc

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) A socialist is someone who will give you the shirt off *someone else's* back.