SSRS 2008R2 - DNS CNAME Record

  • SSRS 2008 R2 (Report Services) doesn’t have a dependency on IIS being installed.

    I have the Reporting default site in Native mode created & configured. How can I create a friendly name for our USERS to remember the site name rather than sending them the entire Report Site URL: i.e. http://FQDNservername:Reports/Pages/Folder.aspx for them to bookmark etc.

    With IIS installed, I can easily go ahead and set a default site for this server and set this up in DNS as a CNAME Record and create an Alias name to provide the users

    As SSRS 2008 and beyond doesn’t use IIS as it uses http.sys (a lightweight version similar to IIS), how can I achieve this?

    There is a HostHeader you can create in Report Services Configuration Manager but I can’t confirm if this is the right option to achieve what I want to do as I can’t locate any definitive blogs online.

    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated

  • You can configure a SSRS url in the configuration manager. Make sure you match your URLs with the DNS configuration (e.g. CNAMEs).

    Hope this helps,


    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • The problem is, in Active Directory, I cannot make an alias that points to a folder/virtual directory

    The Report manager URL is in the format: - http://servername:80/Reports

    Anything after / in AD I cannot create for a CNAME record

    Any ideas?

  • It may not be CNAME record that i'm after as they only point to DNS records?

    What I want to achieve is a http redirect from my Report Manager URL to say for users to easily remember

  • Ah, I see. Sorry for the confusion.

    To achieve what you describe, you need IIS installed. I have done this in the past and it works, but, again, it needs IIS.

    -- Gianluca Sartori

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