• TomThomson (9/3/2015)

    So for AMAZON this guy is going to use a 6 character password? And for Yahoo he'll have a 5 character password?

    It seems probable that the article has rather oversimplified things. I'll read the paper when I have time, since I suspect that there is actually something viable there.

    Could be something like IuseAmazon. Of course he doesn't want to give away his whole method...just give people the idea. But I do like his way of thinking. I used an 'easier' version of that, but I've since changed my method.

    If you are a touch-typist, move your fingers up one row and type normally. So....MyPassword would become

    J6)qww294e Combine that with the name of the website and you've got some pretty tough passwords. And no need for a matrix to remember which letters/numbers/symbols to use.
