• muthyala_51 (9/2/2015)

    A question for you

    You have nodea and nodeb on site 1 and node c on site 2, you have configured quorum for Majority Node Set, each node has a vote

    The network connection between the sites is severed, what happens to your cluster roles and the cluster node states on

    • site 1
    • site 2

    The cluster will not have any impact even with severed connection as we just lost one vote. node b will be down in the cluster which should not have any impact on cluster.

    Exactly, so in your configuration why have you removed a vote from a perfectly suited node and then gone to all the hassle of deploying a fileshare witness on the primary site. Your default configuration for your number\placement of nodes was fine.

    The kb you linked, is there to advise in situations where a geographically dispersed cluster ends up with a vote heavy DR site. With such a configuration primary site outages would be a real issue. To combat this design, good or bad, you may remove votes from nodes on a DR site to avoid having vote heavy DR.

    The guide is not a one size fit all, it has specific circumstances that it applies to, you're not the first to misconstrue that article and you won't be the last.


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉