Home Forums SQL Server 7,2000 Backups Is there a way to show backup % done progess? RE: Is there a way to show backup % done progess?

  • EDIT : I have just figured out the post is very old and is for SQL 7 , 2000 🙂

    Hi Peter,

    Below the query I use for this purpose:

    SELECT percent_complete, start_time,

    DATEADD(MILLISECOND, (estimated_completion_time + total_elapsed_time), start_time) AS estimate_end_time,

    SUBSTRING(T.text, 1 + CHARINDEX('[', T.text), CHARINDEX(']', T.text) - 1 - CHARINDEX('[', T.text)) AS DatabaseName,


    FROM sys.dm_exec_requests R

    CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(R.sql_handle) T

    WHERE session_id > 50

    AND command LIKE '%back%' OR command LIKE '%rest%';

    Hope it will help,
