• There's nothing attached. Keeping in mind I don't know how values are being assigned to what your stored procs are ingesting you could do something like this:

    -- sample table using your data

    DECLARE @table TABLE (PROCESS varchar(10) NOT NULL, ORD int NOT NULL, SP_NAME varchar(200) NOT NULL);

    INSERT INTO @table

    SELECT 'PROC1',10,'execute prc_insert @name, @lastname, @birthdate' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'PROC1',20,'execute prc_flag @id, @deleted' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'PROC1',30,'execute prc_update @id, @name, @lastname, @birthdate' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'PROC2',10,'execute prc_flag @id, @deleted' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'PROC2',20,'execute prc_update @name, @newname';

    DECLARE @sql varchar(8000)='';

    SELECT @sql = @sql+SP_NAME+';'+CHAR(13)

    FROM @table


    -- PRINT @sql -- included for troubleshooting


    This is not a solution but should give you one idea of how you can begin to address this request. A

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001