List Out All User Defined Triggers

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item List Out All User Defined Triggers


  • Hi Sourav

    Thanks for contributing.

    Just two minor points:

    1. The script as it stands lists disabled triggers rather than all triggers - to be fair this was probably your intention and it just got mis-titled.

    2. Be aware that using syscomments to return the trigger text is prone to truncation after 8000 characters - it's better to use the OBJECT_DEFINITION() function, not to mention that use of legacy system table such as syscomments and sysdatabases is deprecated.

    Thanks again and sorry for being picky


  • Thanks for taking the time share your script.

    Expanding on Gary's points you could eliminate all the JOINS by using something like this:


    db_name() as Database_Name,

    name as Trigger_Name,

    OBJECT_NAME(parent_id) as Associated_Table_Name,


    OBJECT_DEFINITION(object_id) AS [Trigger Text]




    is_disabled = 1;' --disabled

    Thanks again.


  • Lee Linares (8/7/2015)

    Thanks for taking the time share your script.

    Expanding on Gary's points you could eliminate all the JOINS by using something like this:


    db_name() as Database_Name,

    name as Trigger_Name,

    OBJECT_NAME(parent_id) as Associated_Table_Name,


    OBJECT_DEFINITION(object_id) AS [Trigger Text]




    is_disabled = 1;' --disabled

    Thanks again.


    Thanks for the improvements.

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