transactional replication error 20598 with read_committed_snapshot ON

  • Good day colleagues,

    I am transactionaly replicating a database, upon which I have enabled read_committed_snapshot. Once the process starts the distribution agent gives error ‘The row was not found at the Subscriber when applying the replicated command 20598’.

    This is a known issue for Microsoft detailed in this link

    The question is Microsoft says this happens when “subscribers are initialized and a snapshot is generated for the replication.”

    The thing is in my case I am not using snapshot but backup to initialize my subscriber.

    Anyone has come across this before?

    The article doesn’t specify which read_committed_snapshot causes the issue, that on the publisher db or that on the subscriber or both.

    Many thanks


  • I feel so sad when found someone with the same issue that I'm having, but nobody has replied it.

    Does any one have an idea?

    So far I just come to the point in which there's no insert error in the table, but there's no trace of that insert.
    Only error is that the row was not found.

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