• mandania (7/2/2015)

    This is what i am looking for, to come out of the loop once the datediff days are zero. RowNum is a counter that i am using to concatenate to my subscriptionid and adds a month to my subscriptionrowdate until the datediff is zero but at the moment it continuos to generate the rownum and causes it to overflow.

    How can i incorporate this code :

    case when RowNum <= datediff(day, salesdate, baseenddate)

    then DATEADD(mm, RowNum, salesdate)

    else 0 end

    into this?

    SELECT TOP 1000*

    ,CAST(viasatsubscriptionid as char(8)) +'_'+LTRIM(STR(RowNum))subscriptionrowlog

    , DATEADD(mm, RowNum, salesdate) subscriptionrowdate

    FROM (

    SELECT viasatsubscriptionid




    ROW_NUMBER() over(Partition by viasatsubscriptionid order by salesdate)-1 RowNum

    FROM stage_viasatsubscription --where RowNum <=datediff(day,salesdate,baseenddate)


    SELECT TOP 1000 *,

    CAST(viasatsubscriptionid as char(8)) + '_' + LTRIM(STR(RowNum)) as subscriptionrowlog,

    case when RowNum <= datediff(day, salesdate, baseenddate)

    then DATEADD(mm, RowNum, salesdate)

    else 0 end as subscriptionrowdate

    FROM ( ...

    Don Simpson

    I'm not sure about Heisenberg.