• The column t00.[CustNo] is never NULL, so you'll always end up with a value of 0.

    You don't need the nested CASE, you can just add more conditions as needed.

    Select t00.[InvDate]











    ,t01.[customerid] AS CustomerIdT01

    ,t02.[salesman] AS SalesmanT02

    ,t03.itemid AS ItemIdT03

    ,t03.[commissionperc]AS ItemComPercT03

    ,t04.[productfamilyid] AS ProductFamilyIdT04

    ,T05.[ProductFamilyID] AS ProductFamilyIdT05

    ,t05.[commissionperc]as ProdFamilyComPercT05

    ,T06.[Customerid] AS CustomerIdT06

    ,t06.[commissionperc] AS CommissionPercT06

    ,Case when [t00].[CustNo]is not null then 0

    when [t02].[salesman]is not null then 0

    when [t06].[customerid] is not null then [t06].[commissionperc]

    when [t03].[ItemID] is Not Null then [t03].[commissionperc]

    Else [t05].[commissionperc] end AS BaseCommPerc

    FROM [US02301_DWH].[dbo].[Fact_InvoiceAnalysis]t00

    left join [dbo].[manualNOcommissioncustomer]as t01 on t00.[chargecust]=t01.[customerid]

    left join [dbo].[manualNOcommissionsalesgroup] as t02 on t00.[salesman]=t02.[salesman]

    left join [dbo].[manualcommissionitem] as t03 on t00.[itemno]=t03.[itemid]

    left join [dbo].[itemmaster] as t04 on t00.[itemno] = t04.[itemid]

    left join [dbo].[ManualCommisionProductFamily]as t05 on [t04].[productfamilyid] = [t05].[productfamilyid]

    LEFT JOIN [dbo].[ManualFixedCommissionCustomer] as T06 on [t00].[custno]=[t06].[customerid]

    where YEAR([invdate])='2015' and T00.salesman='16'

    order by t00.Salesman desc

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

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