• I just want to throw this out there regarding the data and your application, and realize that this is my own opinion, and the following quote from an earlier post:

    eichnerm (12/17/2014)

    Jason, thanks for the input. You bring up some good points. The ownership of the data is something I am going to have to consider when I make my decision. With that being said, even if I use one database I can provide each customer his/her own data.

    The application may be yours, but the data is owned by the customer. You are (will be) the steward of this data and responsible for keeping it safe and secure.

    At some point in the future a customer may decide that your application no longer meets their business needs and moves to another provider. They need to be able to move that data without having to purchase it from you. Yes, you could charge a fee for the effort needed to provide the customer their data, but you shouldn't be charging them for their data.