Adding SQL 2012 Domain User

  • I have a Windows 2008 R2 server which is connected to a domain.

    I logged in as a local admin on this server and installed MS SQL 2012 server.

    Now I am able to login to sql server with local admin but when I try to add a domain user I am not able to do that, below is what I have tried.

    -- Server > Security > Logins > New Login

    -- clicked on Search button

    when clicked on location button I can only see the local server name and do not see Entire Directory (domain) details, what could be the reason for that?

    After adding the domain user how can I login to SQL server and check if the domain user is able to login to SQL server?

  • Can you ping your machine from the server, and can you ping the server from your machine? is the Windows firewall turned on on the server?

  • Logging in as a local admin you wont be able to browse the domain I expect. If you type in the new login search box domain\username and hit the check username button do you get prompted for domain user credentials to access AD?

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