xp_instance_regread returns blank, but serverproperty returns values for Default directories.

  • has anyone seen an issue with xp_instance_regread not returning supposedly correct values? the behavior i think i see is that if the values are blank in SQL2008R2 or prior, they are really blank, but in 2012 (and above?), the registry cannot be read.

    I took over an extra 30 or so SQL servers under my umbrella, and i was documenting and making sure everything is set up to my satisfaction.

    I went to document the directories for Data/Log and Backup;

    this is what i typically might use, since it's supposed to work across all versions of SQL, undocumented or not:

    DECLARE @DefaultData varchar(256),

    @DefaultLog varchar(256),

    @DefaultBackup varchar(256)

    EXECUTE [master].dbo.xp_instance_regread




    @DefaultData OUT

    EXECUTE [master].dbo.xp_instance_regread




    @DefaultLog OUT

    EXECUTE [master].dbo.xp_instance_regread




    @DefaultBackup OUT

    SELECT @@SERVERNAME As ServerName,

    @DefaultData As DefaultData,

    @DefaultLog AS DefaultLog,

    @DefaultBackup AS DefaultBackup


    ServerName DefaultData DefaultLog DefaultBackup

    HOL-TFS-P01\TFS2012 NULL NULL D:\SQLBackups

    So on a SQL 2012 instance, the data and log directories are blank, which i figure is a setup issue, so i go to the facets to fix them, but they are populated.

    I know on 2012 and above, there's a couple of server properties that give the data and log directories (but not the backup directory)

    so i cross check with that, and get the same values I saw in the facets.



    InstanceDefaultDataPath InstanceDefaultLogPath

    D:\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.TFS2012\MSSQL\DATA\ D:\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.TFS2012\MSSQL\DATA\



    InstanceDefaultDataPath = serverproperty('InstanceDefaultDataPath'),

    InstanceDefaultLogPath = serverproperty('InstanceDefaultLogPath')

    i looked a little deeper, and i see i get info messages that imply an error in the path, but it seems to be working on 47 out of 50 servers.

    RegQueryValueEx() returned error 2, 'The system cannot find the file specified.'

    Msg 22001, Level 1, State 1

    RegQueryValueEx() returned error 2, 'The system cannot find the file specified.'

    Msg 22001, Level 1, State 1

    (1 row(s) affected)


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  • SSMS reads the information from a number of sources and it's difficult to tell which one it uses when the path is not set.

    This is what you get if you trace SSMS while it opens the instance properies window:

    DECLARE @HkeyLocal NVARCHAR(18)

    DECLARE @ServicesRegPath NVARCHAR(34)

    DECLARE @SqlServiceRegPath SYSNAME

    DECLARE @BrowserServiceRegPath SYSNAME

    DECLARE @MSSqlServerRegPath NVARCHAR(31)

    DECLARE @InstanceNamesRegPath NVARCHAR(59)

    DECLARE @InstanceRegPath SYSNAME




    DECLARE @RegPathParams SYSNAME

    DECLARE @FilestreamRegPath SYSNAME


    -- Instance-based paths

    SELECT @MSSqlServerRegPath = N'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer'

    SELECT @InstanceRegPath = @MSSqlServerRegPath + N'\MSSQLServer'

    SELECT @FilestreamRegPath = @InstanceRegPath + N'\Filestream'

    SELECT @SetupRegPath = @MSSqlServerRegPath + N'\Setup'

    SELECT @RegPathParams = @InstanceRegPath + '\Parameters'

    -- Services

    SELECT @ServicesRegPath = N'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services'

    SELECT @SqlServiceRegPath = @ServicesRegPath + N'\MSSQLSERVER'

    SELECT @BrowserServiceRegPath = @ServicesRegPath + N'\SQLBrowser'

    -- InstanceId setting

    SELECT @InstanceNamesRegPath = N'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\Instance Names\SQL'

    -- Network settings

    SELECT @NpRegPath = @InstanceRegPath + N'\SuperSocketNetLib\Np'

    SELECT @TcpRegPath = @InstanceRegPath + N'\SuperSocketNetLib\Tcp'

    /* ...SNIP... */

    DECLARE @BackupDirectory NVARCHAR(512)

    IF 1 = isnull(cast(SERVERPROPERTY('IsLocalDB') AS BIT), 0)

    SELECT @BackupDirectory = cast(SERVERPROPERTY('instancedefaultdatapath') AS NVARCHAR(512))


    EXEC master.dbo.xp_instance_regread @HkeyLocal



    ,@BackupDirectory OUTPUT

    DECLARE @InstallSqlDataDir NVARCHAR(512)

    EXEC master.dbo.xp_instance_regread @HkeyLocal



    ,@InstallSqlDataDir OUTPUT

    DECLARE @MasterPath NVARCHAR(512)

    DECLARE @LogPath NVARCHAR(512)

    DECLARE @ErrorLog NVARCHAR(512)

    DECLARE @ErrorLogPath NVARCHAR(512)

    SELECT @MasterPath = substring(physical_name, 1, len(physical_name) - charindex('\', reverse(physical_name)))

    FROM master.sys.database_files

    WHERE NAME = N'master'

    SELECT @LogPath = substring(physical_name, 1, len(physical_name) - charindex('\', reverse(physical_name)))

    FROM master.sys.database_files

    WHERE NAME = N'mastlog'

    SELECT @ErrorLog = cast(SERVERPROPERTY(N'errorlogfilename') AS NVARCHAR(512))

    SELECT @ErrorLogPath = substring(@ErrorLog, 1, len(@ErrorLog) - charindex('\', reverse(@ErrorLog)))

    DECLARE @SmoRoot NVARCHAR(512)

    EXEC master.dbo.xp_instance_regread @HkeyLocal



    ,@SmoRoot OUTPUT

    /* ...SNIP... */

    DECLARE @InstallSharedDirectory NVARCHAR(512)

    EXEC master.sys.xp_instance_regread @HkeyLocal



    ,@InstallSharedDirectory OUTPUT

    /* ...SNIP... */


    @BackupDirectory AS [BackupDirectory]

    ,ISNULL(@InstallSqlDataDir, N'') AS [InstallDataDirectory]


    ,@ErrorLogPath AS [ErrorLogPath]

    ,@SmoRoot AS [RootDirectory]

    ,@LogPath AS [MasterDBLogPath]

    ,@MasterPath AS [MasterDBPath]

    ,SERVERPROPERTY('instancedefaultdatapath') AS [DefaultFile]

    ,SERVERPROPERTY('instancedefaultlogpath') AS [DefaultLog]

    ,ISNULL(@InstallSharedDirectory, N'') AS [InstallSharedDirectory]

    As you can see, when the path is not set, it probably assumes the path to master and mastlog as default data and log location.

    Interestingly enough, the serverporperties appear to be always set, but there's no way to tell how they are calculated. Probably the same logic found in SSMS, or similar. I have always found it to be the same value as in the registry, when set. I have never found a different path between the two, when both set.

    Hope this helps


    -- Gianluca Sartori

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