• As a counterpoint, I will say that flexible working hours and being able to work from anywhere can be incredibly helpful for work-life balance.

    Perhaps not going as far as working on the toilet or when you're at the bar with a friend. That is plain ridiculous.

    But, for example, I once took a vacation over Thanksgiving. Rather than leaving the day before and coming home on Sunday, feeling pressure to not use up all my vacation days, I left the prior week. Flights were a LOT cheaper, so I saved a bunch of money, and then I worked "from home" for 2 days so I didn't use up too much vacation time.

    I've done the same for weekend trips. Leave on Thursday night, work on Friday from the vacation spot, then enjoy the whole weekend without using a day off. It's less "I must work on vacation" and more "I can fit my work around my vacation rather than my vacation around my work".

    Plus, working with a scenic view - it's very good for the soul.

    Madison, WI