Home Forums SQL Server 2008 SQL Server Newbies Can Anyone give me a solution to my subquery in the from clause? RE: Can Anyone give me a solution to my subquery in the from clause?

  • Alan.B (4/16/2015)

    Looks like you have duplicate column names in both tables but you are not using a table alias

    You query should look something like this:

    SELECT a.col1, a.col2, b.col1

    FROM a




    ) AS b

    ON a.col1 = b.col2

    Can you post the DDL for both tables?

    Further on Alan's request, how about pitching in some usable sample data in the form of an insert statement?


    BTW, this is my guess of how the query should look like, mind you that once an alias is defined for an object/table, it goes by that alias, no schema qualification is applicable after that point (just like marriage:-P)



    ,MAX(ORD.OrderDate) AS LastOrder

    ,MIN(ORD.OrderDate) AS FirstOrder

    ,COUNT(ORD.OrderID) AS [TotalOrders]

    FROM dbo.Orders ORD




    Top 5 CustomerID As TopCustomer

    FROM dbo.customers

    group by customerid

    order by TopCustomer desc

    ) As TopCustomer

    ON ORD.CustomerID = TopCustomer.TopCustomer;