How to monitor that SSRS is behaving

  • hello there,

    We have a SharePoint 2010 site that hosts our SSRs reports. Today, some of these stopped working with errors such as

    β€’An unexpected error occurred in Report Processing. (rsInternalError)

    oException of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.

    and Error For more Information about this error navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors

    On our SharePoint Database server, I found that the SQL process was taking huge amounts of memory. I thought I would try to restart SQL Server Reporting Services and that just hung saying "Stopping". I rebooted that server then all was well. (I had noticed that running our SSRS reports in dev still worked against the same data source - so at this point guessed it may be SSRS on the SharePoint DB server.

    I have set up a reminder to reload this server more regularly but am after advice about what I can do to monitor that all is well.

    All help greatly appreciated


  • What version of Windows and SQL are you on? How much RAM on the server do you have? what have you allocated MAX memory?

  • Windows Version - Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard

    SQL - 2008 R2

    RAM - 8Gig

    Allocated Max Memory ( from sys.configurations - max server memory (MB)

    shows 2147483647



  • (I'm assuming it's all 64-bit rather than 32-bit).

    If you've got Sharepoint, SQL & SSRS all on the same box& only 8GB RAM there's likely to be all sorts of memory pressure.

    Change the Max Memory setting to 6GB or 4GB (6144 or 4096) & see if you still have the same problem. You might need to go as low as 2GB.

    Note this will mean SQL can only keep that much data in RAM so you may see more disk-based (i.e. slow) I/O.

    As soon as you can, investigate installing more RAM in the machine if possible. SQL standard supports up to 64GB. SSRS another 16-32GB I think.

    Bear in mind regular restarts will actually hinder SQL as it has to reload data/plans etc into memory after each restart.

  • I agree with that, our SharePoint DB servers could never operate with that amount of RAM. I think BOL state 8GB as a minimum (Single server setup).

  • Thanks to both of you -

    I'll see what I can get done about RAM and I'll do the SQL max memory bit tweak.

    Luckily our number of concurrent users is small (less than a hundred I would have said) , our data volumes are small.

  • No problem & good luck πŸ™‚

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