• Yet Another DBA (4/1/2015)

    Steve Jones - SSC Editor (3/31/2015)


    DevOps doesn't mean developers access production. It means Developers and Operations work together, helping each other. Developers can provide the code and ensure Ops can run it. Ops can set the actual parameters/keys/passwords and save them separately.

    Politics are certainly an issue here. I've fought this battle with mixed results in the past.

    Hmmm, I think "DevOps" is one of those terms that has different meanings for people. To me its where Developers have access to the live environment to release code, all with managements permission.

    I agree that different people are interpreting this term differently. My understanding is far closer to Steve's.

    DevOps is the collaboration and support between the development and operation teams/roles in order to better transition software from development to production, however, it does not prescribe anyone having access to live.


    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!