How to make Calculated members dynamic

  • I have the below query which calculated Percentage cost of my chemical, My dimenssions which are mentioned

    [Custom Batch Data].[EcolabTextileId].[EcolabTextileId],[Custom Batch Data].[EcolabTextile].[EcolabTextile]

    are changed dynamically , so i want to make a generic query so that i dont need to repaeat the With member for different dimenssions

    So any one can help me to find the way

    WITH member [Chemical Mix %] as

    '([Custom Batch Data].[EcolabTextile].CurrentMember,[Measures].[Price])/([Custom Batch Data].[EcolabTextile].CurrentMember.Parent,[Measures].[Price]) * 100'

    select NON EMPTY ({[Measures].[Price],[Measures].[Totalweight],[Chemical Mix %],[Measures].[NoofLoads]}) ON Columns, NON EMPTY ([Custom Batch Data].[EcolabTextileId].[EcolabTextileId],[Custom Batch Data].[EcolabTextile].[EcolabTextile]) ON ROWS FROM [TCDReport]

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