• sestell1 (3/26/2015)

    I think whether the file gets created depends on if the syntax error causes the package to fail validation or not. I think the second question also depends on how far the package makes it, so I hedged my bets as to which question was being asked and went with 'sometimes'.

    If the syntax error is inside the jobstep that specifies the output file, as opposed to in adding it, the step will run and the file will be written (so the answer would be "yes" if this is the only case) but if it's in some other jobstep whose error leads to the only jobstep which specifies the output file not being executed then maybe nothing will be written to the file/or the file won't be created or modified, and if the second situation is allowed the answer is "sometimes". But the output file is to hold the output of the job (according to the question), not just the output of one jobstep, so presumably every jobstep should specify it so the correct answer is actually YES, because the second case isn't allowed.

    The case where the syntax error is in the command creating a jobstep isbn't a valid one, because that's not a syntax error in the job, it's a syntax error in the job creation script.

    But I had looked quickly and gone with "sometimes" before I made the above reasoning - careless of me, I should have gone with "yes" and lost the point by getting the wrong right answer instead of for getting the wrong wrong answer. At least we both managed to avoid getting the point for picking the right wrong answer :w00t:
