• Here is how I resolved this. Basic. Thanks for all the responses, I love this forum, always friendly folks willing to share knowledge.


    'Banquets - All Day' as revName,

    SUM(t.c_items_total) AS Banquet_Total,

    SUM(t.cover_count) as Total_Covers,

    SUM(t.c_items_total) / SUM(t.cover_count) as AvgPer_Cover


    dbo.Ticket AS t JOIN

    dbo.PeriodDefinition AS pd ON CAST(t.dt_close_time AS time) BETWEEN CAST(pd.dt_start AS time) AND CAST(pd.dt_finish AS time) AND

    pd.i_period_definition_id = 2 and t.i_revcenter_id = 7 and t.i_void_ticket_id IS NULL and t.b_closed = 1