Statistics and Index question!!!

  • When I run a query (Glenn Berry's) to check when statistics were updated, I find some rows with 'IndexName' which were updated more than year ago and have millions of rows.

    Then I run sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats with sys.indexes and filter those outdated index but results come out nothing.

    How do I query and find those indexes ever been used? And

    How to I find those table where those indexes are, ever been updated, inserted or deleted?


  • Please send us the two queries that you are running.

    Also, it may be a little bit of a language barrier, but I am having trouble understanding what you want to find. Could you try to explain that more fully?

  • Thanks David Moutray for your reply. I ran this script:

    -- When were Statistics last updated on all indexes? (Query 51) (Statistics Update)

    SELECT, AS [Index Name],

    STATS_DATE(i.[object_id], i.index_id) AS [Statistics Date],

    s.auto_created, s.no_recompute, s.user_created, st.row_count

    FROM sys.objects AS o WITH (NOLOCK)

    INNER JOIN sys.indexes AS i WITH (NOLOCK)

    ON o.[object_id] = i.[object_id]

    INNER JOIN sys.stats AS s WITH (NOLOCK)

    ON i.[object_id] = s.[object_id]

    AND i.index_id = s.stats_id

    INNER JOIN sys.dm_db_partition_stats AS st WITH (NOLOCK)

    ON o.[object_id] = st.[object_id]

    AND i.[index_id] = st.[index_id]

    WHERE o.[type] = 'U'

    ORDER BY STATS_DATE(i.[object_id], i.index_id) ASC OPTION (RECOMPILE);

    -- Helps discover possible problems with out-of-date statistics

    -- Also gives you an idea which indexes are the most active

    I found some rows with outdated statistics. Now what I am trying to find is, those indexes were ever used PLUS also trying to find out if the Tables (which hold those indexes) ever been Inserted, Updated or Deleted?

  • Do you run any job to refresh stats every week? How often do you defrag your Indexes?

    If for some reason the answer is no for any of those, I think that you should start running those 1st, wait 1 or 2 weeks, before start removing Indexes or making any changes.

    I fully recommend you Ola Hallengren's solution, which is 100% free.

  • I only run 'rebuild' job> 30 percent with 'Limited' option. will you share Ola Hallengren script here? it's kinda hard for me to put together.

  • Tac11 (3/6/2015)

    I only run 'rebuild' job> 30 percent with 'Limited' option. will you share Ola Hallengren script here? it's kinda hard for me to put together.

    Visit his site:

    Install it and open the jobs, but I am telling you, that logic is too complex to copy paste here.

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