Adding an MS Access database with a Workgroup as a linked server in SQL Server 2008

  • I'd like to add an MS Access database as a linked server for SQL Server 2008, but I'm struggling. The Access database is being held on a separate server, and has an associated workgroup. I've got this far ...

    ... but am not sure what my data source should be? The connection string would use in PHP is this:

    Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};



    Now, clearly the megaslashing needs to go, and the driver isn't needed (or is it?), so perhaps:


    This isn't working. Soooo ... what do I do to make it work? Is it something that I have to add in the "security"? Say if my username is something like:

    username: ""

    password: "password1"

    Any help would be really, really, really appreciated 🙂

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