• Perry Whittle (2/3/2015)

    Joy Smith San (2/3/2015)

    If I add an NDF file on this second drive, will SQL server start writing into this new NDF *** soon its added ?

    Are you creating the file in the same filegroup?

    Joy Smith San (2/3/2015)

    Will it move any existing data from MDF to NDF automatically ?

    No it will not

    Joy Smith San (2/3/2015)

    Also I would like to reduce the size of MDF file, what's the best approch to do the same ?



    You could try the suggestion proposed by Igor

    Yes, I am adding the file in the same filegroup.

    Basically my requirement is that, it should not use the remaining 3GB space and leave that free space in the drive.

    I will try the options suggested by Igor

    Thanks all.