• This sounds familiar to ETL performance gremlins I've been chasing lately. If we assume that the procedure and database are capable of better performance, I would assume the problem is outside SQL.

    First, is the Server on a SAN or in a VM? If so, it is possible that your increased write times are not because of SQL, but because if increased latency and IO wait times getting to the disks. Your SQL instance may be idle and have plenty of resources, but another server on the same blade is having a snapshot made, or maybe the SAN is replicating.

    Assuming all clients are executing the same procedure, then performance has to be a factor of "when" the jobs are run, the size of the dataset being inserted, or the bandwidth between you and that client. (Is the long running client on remote network by chance? What is that connection like, and what else is going through that pipe at load time?) You could prove/disprove this theory by setting up a test scenario where you loaded the same large data set from a local connection; remove the LAN/WAN from the equation.

    Alternatively, it could be other queries/jobs on the box not causing locks, but keeping the server tied up.

    Here's a bit of code I wrote that I have in front of my maintenance plans, and ETL jobs to record what other open connections exist while my code is running. You can drop this in your own database and inspect connections on a specific database, or if you control the database in question, drop the history table and detective procedure in there. Once you do that, you just need to figure out how to make the call to capture history before your other jobs. You might want to enhance this procedure/history table with either the SPID or user name of who caused the history to be written.

    If you find that not only are there no locks during the load, but SQL is also not busy doing other things, then the issue has to be external.

    if not exists (select 'x' from sys.schemas where name = 'ID')

    exec('create schema ID')


    IF NOT EXISTS (select 'x' from sysobjects where name = 'LoadTime_Foreign_Process_History' and xtype = 'U')

    create table ID.LoadTime_Foreign_Process_History

    (spid varchar(20),

    db_name varchar(256),

    user_name varchar(256),

    blocked smallint,

    waitresource varchar(512),

    physical_io bigint,

    memusage int,

    login_time datetime,

    last_batch datetime,

    status varchar(60),

    hostname varchar(256),

    program_name varchar(256),

    hostprocess varchar(20),

    cmd varchar(32),

    command text,

    lastwaittype varchar(64),



    if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[ID].[Foreign_Process_Detective]')

    and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1)

    drop procedure [ID].[Foreign_Process_Detective]


    create procedure [ID].[Foreign_Process_Detective]

    (@DbName as varchar(35) = NULL) as

    if @DBName is NULL

    SELECT @DBName = db_name();



    INSERT INTO ID.LoadTime_Foreign_Process_History

    (spid, db_name, user_name,blocked,waitresource,physical_io, memusage, login_time,

    last_batch, status, hostname, program_name, Hostprocess, cmd, command,lastwaittype, update_ts)


    case when spid = @@spid then 'This' else convert(varchar(10), spid) end as spid,

    rtrim(db_name(dbid)) as db_name, rtrim(loginame) as user_name,

    pr.blocked, pr.waitresource, pr.physical_io, pr.memusage, pr.login_time,

    pr.last_batch, pr.status, rtrim(pr.hostname), rtrim(pr.program_name),

    pr.hostprocess, pr.cmd,

    (select text from sys.dm_exec_sql_text(sql_handle)) as command,

    pr.lastwaittype, getdate()

    from master.sys.sysprocesses pr

    where lower(db_name(dbid)) = (@dbName); /*You could also parameterize the procedure and pass

    the name of the DB you wanted to inspect*/

    Print('Foreign Process History written to: LoadTime_Foreign_Process_History for database ' + @DBName);



    Print('Unable to write process activity to LoadTime_Foreign_Process_History. Actual Error: ' + ERROR_MESSAGE());



    You can call the procedure with or without a database name; without and it will use the current db name.

    exec ID.Foreign_Process_Detective


    exec ID.Foreign_Process_Detective 'DATAMART'


    select * from id.LoadTime_Foreign_Process_History


    Hope that helps or gives you some places to look.