• GA Programmer (1/30/2015)

    I've commented often about this issue within our industry. I think the biggest problem is ourselves. We don't set down the proper expectations, so when they ask us to do more, we do it. Then we do it again, then again until we are overwhelmed. Many other departments may also be overworked, but for the same reasons. I work for a company where the expectations are clearly defined. I work a 40 hr week, except during emergencies or planned off-hours upgrades. No one expects you to say "not my problem" during emergencies or tight deadlines, but it should not be the norm. Learn the power of NO.

    The workers in this industry have done this to themselves, incrementally, over time and unless people start trying to change it, they should expect to spend the rest of their life in an overworked panic mode. Sure, everyone is scared of losing their job, but if you are overworked (and therefore, by definition, underpaid), then is it really a bad thing?

    I think there's some truth here, not completely, but certainly a lot of people unable to say no.