• I think you have made a lot of valid points there.

    Other issues I have noticed:

    We want SQL012 Cluster installed, you know all about this don't you, as your the DBA guy.

    We don't know anything about licences, but you'll know all about that and organize it, as your the DBA guy.

    Some of our ETL processes we wrote are failing, we want you to fix them, as your the DBA guy.

    Personally, I have been working single handed on one project for 14 months.

    I would love to have the luxury of being able to actually "design" different processes. Experiment with different methods, try out various methods, just to get it right.

    With project "deadlines", we are expected to come up with "the best way", first, and not need any trial designs.

    This deadline push, is generating more headache, as we actually have to "re-visit" the initial design, just to get it how we should have had chance to get it initially.

    I think "project design", is severely lacking in the area of "design, trial, rework".

    Although we are expected to know everything, sometimes we don't, and we are constantly having to think on our feet, just to get by.